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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Until February....Day four: Jeremy Kyle, post office, trains and room service.

Today has been eventful and emotional, started with a nice shampoo spillage whilst packing for Edinburgh – went in for an athletic throw of the bottle into the suitcase which resulted in a dress being covered in expensive shampoo - at least it smells nice! Finally managed to fit in all of the required clothing, hand bag packed and lonely planet magazine delivered so I can plan some amazing Holiday ideas for your return fit one.

So after some emails and a cuppa I watched a bit of Jeremy Kyle before my taxi arrived – I know you love the chav fest that is the JK show so brief update on today’s events:
“My sister stole my husband and I called her child an inbred”
“I have cheated 15 times but this time I mean it… I will change”
And a girl came on who referred to herself as "street init" – when asked by JK what “street” was she said “google it init” ........JK update done.
So off to the post office I went on route to the train station and sent you a bluey…. Nice post office man smiled for the photo whilst probably thinking I was a bit strange:

Had a lovely chat with Mamma G today whilst waiting for the train, we are planning the girly weekend of dreams at the end of the month – pub, drinks, probably some shots, seaside, trashy tv and giggles. Pictures to follow!
Whilst on the train a man aged roughly 45 sat next to me in a squirrel outfit, he smelt of wee and was very grumpy! I personally liked Mamma G’s reply when I text her my squirrel update:

Once squirrel man left I was able to spend the rest of the journey (3 hours) perving on this…… Mulberry handbag….. Tried to stroke it…. Got weird looks:

Read the paper and I have found the best Christmas present for you well really it would be for my benefit….:

Arrived in Edinburgh with flat hair which is always upsetting, massive queue for the taxis but then I spotted a Cotsa (world is right again) then arrived at the beautiful Hotel where an actual man (in a hat) opened my taxi door said “hello mam” ha and then took my bags into the Hotel for me…. Edinburgh I have arrived! Face planted my bed:

and then proceeded to order room service Mmmmmmmm......

Are you fricking kidding me £16 for that –pffffttttttt!

So plan B as I’m still hungry after my miniature food is Tesco run for snack stash, bath (not with the snacks that would be weird)  dressing gown, book and then re shape my eyebrows – I know  I know exciting!
I will check in tomorrow – missing you and laying here wondering what you’re doing and if your laying down too wondering the same thing.
With love from Scotland xx

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post, specially the way you presented it. It has little-2 things that makes it simple and real..
