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Monday, 26 November 2012

Until February…Day Seventeen: Xmas dreaming, Sir Clive Woodward and a very special Birthday shoutout

Soooo fit one what a day, firstly I woke to a message from you and I was so happy I shouted out of my window “I’m so happy” original! Off to work I went in a typical I’m late and I forgot to do any washing so this will have to do outfit… 09:30  “Zoey the photographer is here from the Cambridge News….” HOLY SHIT A COW! That horrific picture to follow at a later date!

Sort of muddled through the morning – quite productive work wise (bonus) bad times with the tea though, the water tasted horrific and it made me pull a face like this:

Anyhoooo lunchtime we went out for a bit of Christmas shopping….. I would like a house that has this very fireplace that I can hang stockings off

And this very Christmas tree

Only then will I be a fully-fledged Domestic Goddess, who dresses in Reiss, (Jigsaw for the in laws visits obviously) and Hunter wellies by the door for collecting firewood…..

Soooo onto my personal Happy Birthday message to Rich… I was going to get him a celebrity or a sports star but I knew he would be disappointed if it wasn’t me.….:
Project #smilecampbastion is doing so well and we have had some great support today, including one very inspirational author and some sports stars too (they will all be unveiled at a later date as a Xmas prezzi to you and the other troops). I promised you one a day on the blog so here it is… Introducing the legendary Sir Clive Woodward who also sent the following message:
“Absolute pleasure #smilecampbastion…stay safe out there”

The moment you are told your parcel is to big so you re-wrap your parcel on the floor in the post office because you are not repeat NOT driving all the way back into town in rush hour tomorrow!!! That showed the post office lady – she wasn’t my “usual” woman… god damn those locum post office people.

Today I mostly missed ringing you for a pep talk before my interview, having a cuddle after work and hearing all about the Birthday celebration antics where no doubt someone was dressed as girl…

Until tomorrow Fit one, I love you and I miss you x



  1. Ah Zoey, you are so cute! These have brought a tear to my eye and made me smile at the same time. Keep up the great work and keep your chin up.

    Heather xx

  2. Just a word to our boys out there keep safe and most of #keep smiling
