Previous days posts are listed here if you just can't get enough....

Thursday, 7 February 2013

A good dose of MAN UP!

Soooooo after a chat with some twitter wonders I have realised I need a good dose of man up and to not listen to the shit comments of an unnamed (starts with a D) news paper (news.....pahahahaha) who publish rubbish stories. Writers block though fear of being judged be gone - lunchtime I have a date with my blog and a home made ( that's right people HOME MADE) sweet and sour chicken! I'm back and here to stay (said in dramatic voice similar to Xfactor man mixed in with a touch of Bruce Willis die hard) xxxx


  1. Yay...I'd let the paper beginning with D go back to what their best at i.e. making up sh*t and totally ignore them, like so many others of the UK population who don't read it...

    This blog is not about them. It's about you, self-confessed bad grammar and your loveable sense of humour and not to mention your love for Mr Fit One. Don’t let them get you down…

    Glad you're back. I now have something to read again on my lunch nearly made me resort to the paper "That will not be named" (said in a Harry Potter-esque manner)



  2. Yay you're back! I've been loving your blog...ignore the haters x

  3. Oh good - you're back. Missed you again like I did when your shower decided to have a life of it's own. The time seems to have really flown by. It won't be long now, but then what will we do? You'll have to change the name of your blog to something like 'till the wedding day', so we can see your shopping trips, impulse purchases, but mainly so we can see the reunited photo of you and your Fit One. All the very best and don't let the b*st*ds get you down.....Jo x

  4. I didn't realise that was why you had gone away. Don't listen to nay sayers. You are not doing this for them. You are doing it for you and your man.

  5. So glad you're back, I've been checking every day as it is my favourite thing to do at work whilst simultaneously holding a piece of paper and pen, looking like I am checking something on screen very professionally!

    Take no notice of idiots, this blog is sooo fab! xx

  6. Welcome back Zo....please don't let them get to you
    They are saddoes with nothing better to do than pick on people who actually have a life
    Go girl.....

  7. I like your blog, it makes a crap situation sane, my sister is in the same boat as you. Ignore those that "don't get it" after all it's not like they're any great loss and to each action there is always an equal and opposite reaction ;)

  8. So glad you've decided to come back. This is about you and him and nobody else. Don't let them get you down because what you're doing is very special :) x

  9. So glad you are back. Have missed your Blog. My OH is off to the sandpit later in the year and I am dreading it. Your blog makes me realise my life won't be on hold just casue he's gone. Keep it up and don't let the haters get you down. We love you and your funny blog. xxxx

  10. Missing you Zoe
    Whats been going on in Zoe land?

  11. So glad you're reading your blog and hearing about the crazy stuff you get up also makes me appreciate every day with my OH.....Not long now.....looking forward to wedding pics.....keep this up and we may be seeing you in OK! :)

  12. where have you been?! missing reading your blog during my lunch break at brother and my dad have both been in the army since before I was born and reading this brings back so many memories for me! I think what you're doing is fantastic and people trying to bring you don are just jealous they didn't think of the idea first. For you it wasn't about the attention, it was about getting how you feel off your chest and still feeling close to him whilst he was away knowing that he could read this. Please post more!!!!

  13. This one is good. keep up the good work!..
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