Previous days posts are listed here if you just can't get enough....

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Until February…Days 73 – 92: Man up, spas with no caffeine, truth or dare, and spatulas!

I am back fit one, I removed my head from my arse and decided to get back on it! I started this for you and family however it turns out a few other people like it to. So my bad grammar and hectic life is back on the world of blogging and back to stay. Note to self: Don't focus on negative comments just the positive!
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions and a roller coaster journey of randomness as is my life, but I wouldn’t change it for the world! Also let’s just get this out there….. 6 MORE WEEKS I REPEAT 6 MORE WEEKS till your R&R - WINNER!

So the legendary best friend that is Madz came for a visit the other weekend, this excited me more than the winter break return of Home and Away, Sunday roasts and the shops selling cream eggs! In preparation I had a week long alcohol ban aware that on her arrival my body would be tested to the max with Rum induced drinks! During one of phone conversations prior to her arrival we came up with the genius idea of inviting some other friends over for a Mexican feast……..!!!!

I attempted to offer many other alternatives as it dawned on me that said Mexican night would require me actually cooking! They saw through my plan and assured me there was no where they would all rather be than at mine for home cooked Mexican! Q Friday night – collect Madz from the train station in a dramatic reunion style, we like to sometimes choose a movie to recreate at moments like this! That night was similar to the Railway Children being reunited, classy I felt.

Then after waggamammas we headed to the (unnamed) supermarket for the Mexican shop. Let me tell you it was like a lesson in life, for example: “Zo” me “Yes Madz” – “Go and pick up the avocado”…. Of I walk feeling like a cross between a contestant on supermarket sweep and ready steady cook…..whilst running around (for some reason I had a ticking clock sound in my head) I realised a vital piece of information 1. I definitely couldn’t see Avocado down the alcohol aisle and 2. I definitely didn’t know what an avocado was. Back to Madz where I proceeded to take a mental note of everything this goddess friend of mine collected in the store for future reference (clearly I will be hosting another Mexican night)

Back home we went and prep we did!!!!! I was worked hard although after I had slipped Madz a few wine top ups she became less strict! Sooooooo I made homemade guacamole and salsa, poached paprika chicken, chilli and even frosted glasses in the freezer for homemade mojitos!

The girls arrived, we ate, we drank (we most definitely showed that Bacardi who was boss) and then aged from 27 – 30 ish… we played truth or dare!!! Paprika up the nose, shots in the mouth and spinning on a broom, topless run through the village, ice cube in the pants for 5 minutes (harder and much more uncomfortable than you may think…..just saying) I just cannot understated at what point any of this fitted our image of ourselves “classy, understated, not remotely load” hmmmmmmmm!

And do you know what – even though we were our little two bed with my home made food and drink and even a Mexico themed playlist (not sure how I came to the conclusion that Salt n Pepper and Destiny’s Child qualified but they did)  it was one of the best nights “out” I was just missing you.
I have maintained my Gym sessions (does cheer noises to self) and im a total convert to my lycra clad spin instructor! In fact I want him to be the next Mr Motivator because I feel he should be shared with the world! Let’s all see our fat crying together and cycle to awesomeness!!!!! Oh god im quoting him, im quoting him (does shake it off move)

I have also started to up my weights at Body pump…I feel that having a weight lower than this 3 stone blonde I don’t sweat 9 (fine 30) year old in front of me is letting myself down so she is now my pace maker so to speak..

This weekend coolio and the gang (that’s me and the girls) had a night in which consisted of pizza, wine, prosseco and reminiscing over “old school” tracks. I spent most of the evening singing into a spatula and attempting to “slut drop” like teeny boppers do. For those that don’t know what “slut dropping” is:

Step one: inappropriate clothing is necessary
Step two: Gang face (moody, curled lip optional, bad ass eyes
Step three: strut in a two-step format towards dance floor (in my case head towards oven)
Step four: to the beat… DROP down to the floor and sticking bottom out come back up again
Step five: turn and walk away looking into the distance
Step six: Maintain gang face

DO NOT (do as I did and….):
Look more like a toddler trying to walk once you are on the floor
High five the others on successful finish i.e you get back up again
Do the running man as you walk away – not cool!

Sunday we headed for a spa day – we arrived and quickly dealt with the moment of undressing and getting into bikinis. Hit the spa and hijacked 6 beds by the pool then jumped straight into the hot tub! Within roughly five minutes of arrival the spa emptied of couples and we were left on our own, no idea why!

Katy and I have the attention span of a fly, I’m also a big coffee drinker (no link to the fly here just saying)! So within an hour I was craving a drink – headed to the relaxation area for a tea (second best to coffee) AND ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME!!!!! No caffeine anywhere to be seen! Oh it’s about to kick off! “Hi there do you know that you have forgotten to put the coffee and REAL tea out there?” – Lady with perfect face says “Ohhhhhhh this is a Spa (Said in patronising voice) so there is no caffeine!” SHE SAID THIS WITH A STRIGHT FACE!

I robbed up and went next door for a coffee – NO SHAME! Katy then proceeded to ask for her fix….”Do you have a smoking area…?” WOW WOW WOW that actually happened she just asked that! Turns out they don’t have one just in case you were wondering!

After the spa we headed to the pub for a roast dinner of spa champions! Oh a cavery really is the best! We got slightly carried away and just started filling random plates full of food and adding them to the table, looks came from other tables – I feel they were judging but I really didn’t care!
The chef was adorable and proceeded to give us 50% off – I believe fit one that gives us full rights to take your legendary status! Annnnnnnnd he even gave us tin foil for left overs – we wrapped up half a cow, a field of potatoes and I stashed a whole load of stuffing! Fed me for three days! Winning!

This weekend I have Nanna Peace and Mamma G coming for a visit, I plan on taking them to a classy establishment for afternoon tea on Saturday and a roast dinner Thursday – I want to give off an air of sophistication but pretty sure Mamma G will see right through that one.

Oh must not forget my lunch date with the big man himself - Pappa Pace! All hail:

I was driving home from the GYM yesterday and stopped the car to look at the stars, they were stunning and I felt close to you knowing you could see the same stars (Scientist if that’s wrong please don’t email or tweet me I don’t want to know!)

I had a venue visit this week and I had to go past your train tummy did flips and my eyes started to sting! I can't wait to have you home - its that simple! Thats all I want.

This week I have mostly missed: watching the updateaables together, walks on Sundays and watching Rugby!

Until Sunday just know I love you


  1. Welcome back! Another great blog. Away with the negative waves! :-)

  2. Welcome back to blogging and what a top form you have returned on. Keep up these blogs for you and TheFitOne and anyone else who loves to read it,like me, well, thats just a bonus

  3. Welcome back Zoey!! Ignore the negative commens, I love reading your blog and always worry when you don't update regularly.

    Take care,

  4. I love reading your blog! Don't let the bastards grind you down!!! I think I may be just as excited for TheFitOne to come home as you are! Keep being you and noone else can be!! Love from a fellow blogger!

  5. I just wanted to say I love your blog you have kept me going and smiling whilst my other half has been away in the Navy. Don't let the haters get you down.

  6. Hey Zoey, great to have you back. I have missed your blogs.


  7. Your Blog is amazing! And anyone that posts mean comments are clearly jealous or bored. Keep up the good work - i need this blog fix with my early morning coffee :-)

  8. I do like reading your blog but I am a bit confused. You say Katy asked for the spa's smoking area so I presume this is not my Katy because she doesn't smoke. Plus I am fairly convinced she doesn't drink much so perhaps your memory is playing tricks. These minor inaccuracies apart it is very entertaining, good look for the future. Phil Quilliam

  9. Fantastic blog!! So glad you are back, I'm doing a long distance relationship atm and although it isn't as tough as yours its still been difficult, but reading your blog makes it better because I know it's not just me!!

    Let the haters hate!! We love you!

  10. I love your blog and I live just 5 mins up the a14 from you in Bar Hill! Hope you have a happy valentines day! Also as a bride to be I wondered if you fancied sharing this great wedding photography discount that my husband is offering for valentines day... Its details are at ... Have a great feb and i will be checking back to read your new posts... Ignore the horrible people - your blog is on favs list!

  11. Hi Zoe,

    Just to say that I have loved reading your blog and weirdly it feels like I'm living a parallel life! I got engaged just after Christmas and my fiance (still feels weird!) is deploying to Afghanistan in two weeks! Your blog is brilliant to read because I know exactly some of the feelings. I'd imagine you have thousands of people who email you daily but if you fancy chatting to a fellow WAG then would love to email(hope this doesn't come across as totally weird!). Anyway, if not hope it all goes well, not long until R&R (I'm already counting down mine for August!!!). You've inspired me to write a blog too, may even call it Until October!

  12. Am assuming this blog now come to an end as nothing since 7/2/13. You may not even get this. With great regrets - I loved your blog. Hope the Fit One gets home safely!
    Liz x

  13. To Zoe,
    Have you ever thought of writing? What a great blog and a great way of staying +ve while 'TFO' is away. You're a star!!! This country would be a better place if more young people had your attitude and drive [regardless of outcome!]. Well done.

    To TFO,
    Thanks mate.
    Thanks for joining the army.
    Thanks for going to Afghan.
    Thanks for putting country and others before your personal desires.
    I suspect mose of the country feel like this but just don't say it often enough.
    Keep your head down and come home safe for some very private 'us' time with your awesome significant other.

  14. Assuming since you last posted on 07/02 this blog as come to an end, what a shame, really enjoyed reading your adventures. Hopefully The Fit One got home okay and you enjoyed R&R!

  15. Hey,shame you stopped writing the blog. My bf is deployed until end of April, too. Was great to read that it's not just me feeling a bit lost sometimes. And it really made me laught to discover that I'm not running mad, when considering which friends to visit due to phone signal! Hope all went ok so fa. Thanks again, was great support. Jess from Germany x
